Corporate electricity

New growth from energy

We ensure that companies can harness responsible energy into new and better business.



Contact information

New energy service for better business

Energy procurement

We help anticipate changes in the electricity market, utilize price potential and manage risks.

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Energy efficiency

Finland's most comprehensive energy management and reporting solutions to optimize your energy efficiency.

Solar energy solutions

The latest and most efficient solar energy solutions without heavy investments and maintenance worries and risks.



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Carbon Footprint Calculation Service

We will work together with your company to identify the components of your company's emission load by calculating its carbon footprint. Through this assesment, we are able to determine which operational changes can cut down both emissions and costs. Additionally, we provide climate units, such as, EU emission rights and carbon sink units to assist your company's climate work further.

Customer service: Small and medium-sized enterprises

Businesses with consumption of less than 500 000 kWh/year

Do you have any questions on purchasing corporate electricity? Contact our customer service (phone +29 1800 056 24/7, email ). We will be glad to give you advice on how to choose the most suitable electricity agreement for your company.

You can also leave us a message clicking the button below:

Customer service: Large enterprises

Businesses with consumption of more than 500 000 kWh/year

The electricity agreement type matters for companies with extensive operations and high power consumption. So do not hesitate to contact our specialists directly. They will help you find the electricity agreement that best supports your company’s activities. A customised agreement is optimal for your company.

Call our service number between 8am and 6pm on weekdays: +358 10 207 4830, or send e-mail to:

Please fill in the contact form, so that our specialists can contact you.

Large enterprises – We are here to help when you are seeking the best energy solution for your company


Anni Sundberg

Business Sales Specialist

Small and medium-sized enterprises

Consumption under 500,000 kWh/year

Click here to find the best electricity agreement for your company.

Large enterprises

Consumption over 500,000 kWh/year

Ask us about a customised electricity agreement.

Housing companies and building managers

Blocks of flats, terraced houses, and other properties

We can provide you with a suitable energy solution, without intermediaries or additional costs.